Tommy Runesson

Speaker at the Low Carb Universe 2018

LCHF Blogger

Today I am half the man I was in 2009 when I started eating low carb high fat (LCHF). I started at 174.4kg and in under two years I lost over 90kg thanks to only a change in diet. The first 40kg was without any exercise at all but then I started walking a little each day. Not for the “weight loss” but rather for the fresh air and to clear my mind before work. 

My interest in LCHF has been more on the practical side and I always recommend people who ask me about what to eat to go as low on the carbs as possible. The lower you go on the carbs the easier it gets to follow the diet. I really love the clean eating that comes with LCHF and try to cook everything I eat with good organic ingredients. With the really low carb philosophy without much veggies my food tends to be a bit brown but that’s the way I like it… 

I am really looking forward to the Low Carb Universe week. Mostly for the wide variety of speakers, activities and off course all participants from all around the world…